Today is the final day to get your football shirt ordered! These MUST BE PAID FOR before the order is placed. If you have ordered a shirt and have not paid for it, we ask that you come by the office today or tomorrow morning and get those paid for. The shirt order will be sent over tomorrow and if your order has not been paid to the office, it will not be placed. Order forms will close tonight.

Reminder that there will be no school on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Starting tomorrow, our Lunch Order Ahead will be popcorn chicken or a ham and cheese sandwich. this is for 5th-8th grade students.

Attention Parents/Guardians

It’s game week!!! We kick off our season opener against Moffett @ home. First game starts @ 5:00 pm!

Hey Hey it’s almost Spirit week! We can’t wait to see all of the school spirit that everyone has. Reminder that Spirit week is optional to participate in it.

We want to remind everyone that school picture day is Wednesday, August 24th!

School physical forms have been sent home over the past couple of days and will need to be turned back in by Friday morning. Physicals will start Friday morning.

Attention 5th-8th Grade parents/Guardians. Here is the esports after school practice schedule for the kids that play football, softball or run cross country. This practice will allow those students to get some practice time in with the coaches since they do not get to do so during the day.

School pictures will be Wednesday, August 24th! These pictures will be used for the yearbook.

Parents/Guardians. Our phone lines are currently down and we do not have a estimated time as to when the provider will have them back up. If you need to make any pickup arrangements for your kids, you can contact the office @ (479) 259-8134. As soon as the phones are back up, we will let everyone know.

There will be Cheer practice today from 3:00-4:00.

Our phone lines are currently cutting out and making some calls difficult to hear. If you need to contact the office for anything, you can call (479) 259-8134 and Mrs Alyssa can assist you.

We are currently experiencing phone issues. You can contact Alyssa in the office @ 479-259-8134. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Our 5th - 8th Cheerleading Team will be having a bake sale on Open House night! (I know, it’s exciting isn’t it!?!) If you are a fan of cookies, brownies, cakes and pie then you will need to be at the open house! Come out, say hello to everyone and pick up some baked good while you’re there.

Come join us for our open house! It will be Tuesday, August 2nd starting at 5:00. Can’t wait to see everyone!!!

Dear Parents,
It is that time of year again! School will be starting on Aug 4th and if you would like to donate any of the
following items it would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a list of frequently used items:
*Ziploc bags- (boys/gallon-girls/quart)
*Baby wipes
*Paper plates (not Styrofoam)
*Brown paper sacks
*Classroom snacks (First of every month if possible for 24 students)
Your child will need to bring:
*A change of clothes
*A standard size kindermat
* A small blanked
* A water bottle
Thank You,
Brushy Preschool Teachers

Open house will be Tuesday, August 2nd from 5:oo - 7:30. Come out and say hello to all of the brushy staff!

It’s almost time!!! 🤩 First day of school for the kids will be August 4th! We can’t wait to see everyone!

ATTENTION: Brushy School 4-H Members! Monday, July 11, is our Parrot Island Water Park day. The bus will be loading at the school at 9:30 am. If you live in town, you can meet the bus at McDonalds. We will be leaving McDonalds at 10:00 am. Do not be late!! Brushy 4-H will pay for our 4-H members admission. There will be a concession stand so bring some spending money. Lunch will be provided. Don’t forget your bathing suit, towel and sunscreen.